Meeting place for new and old friends

The contacts of drb are a useful reference point for the German language and culture. We would be pleased to meet you in the German quarter of the historical city center, a few steps away from several metro and bus stations.

Office working hours:

Mon-Fri 10.00-18.00

Working hours of the center September-May:

Mon-Sat 10.00-21.00

Sun 11.00-18.00

Working hours of the center June-August:

Mon-Fri 10.00-21.00

By phone, e-mail or personally – our friendly and competent staff will be happy to share the latest information about our activities with you. Visit us and find out more!


191186 Russia,

St. Petersburg,

Nevsky prospect 22-24


8 812 570 40 96

8 812 312 13 46


drb - another attraction on Nevsky Prospekt